
Every family in Oregon deserves access to high-quality, affordable child care that meets their family’s needs, whether it’s during non-traditional hours or in a language other than English. And our state’s child care workforce should be valued as a critical component of our growing economy. Without a comprehensive child care system in place, families across Oregon are facing serious consequences. It’s time to change that.


The Oregon Childcare Project is a coalition of six progressive, race/gender justice 501(c)4 organizations working to build a comprehensive child care system in Oregon. We believe that those who are most affected by inequities are in the best position to offer solutions. This is especially key for addressing Oregon’s child care crisis, which has significant consequences for BIPOC families and caregivers.

Nearly all staff and consultants who have contributed to this project are mothers and caregivers. Much of this work was completed during naptime, after kids were asleep, or in the early hours of the morning during a global pandemic and national uprising for racial justice. All of our Zoom meetings had at least one child present. 

This effort would not be possible without the many, many people who helped us with child care. Hundreds of paid and unpaid hours of child care were needed for this project.


PCUN empowers farmworkers and working Latinx families by building community, increasing Latinx representation in elections, and policy advocacy on the national and state levels. We are family-centric with strong racial justice and intersectional lenses. PCUN understands the cultural relevance of two-generation approaches to early childhood programs.


Oregon Futures Lab uplifts leaders of color to enter public office and govern effectively. We find people deeply committed to community, who understand root causes and offer solutions. Then, those leaders pass legislation that works for everyone to thrive, be safe, and live their fullest life. 

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Unite Oregon Action a statewide, intercultural, movement-building organization which organizes and activates immigrants, refugees, people of color, the rural working class, and low-income Oregonians. We lead grassroots efforts to empower our community through education, civic engagement and policy advocacy, community organizing and mobilization, and intergenerational leadership development.

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APANO a statewide, grassroots organization, uniting Asians and Pacific Islanders to achieve social justice. We use our collective strengths to advance equity through empowering, organizing and advocating with our communities. We are growing our political power to advance a progressive agenda and support candidates committed to racial justice. 


Imagine Black (formerly PAALF Action Fund) helps our Black community imagine the alternatives we deserve and build our political participation and leadership to achieve them As the second black-led 501(c)(4) in the state, we envisions a world where people of African descent enjoy the rights, resources and recognition to be a thriving, resilient and connected community.


Family Forward Action is building a movement among mamas and caregivers across race, class, gender, sexuality, ability, and immigration status to fight for economic and reproductive justice, change systems to work for our families, and elect new leaders. Led by impacted women, Family Forward organizes leaders in the Tri-County area and Marion County.
